Parental Alienation Australia and New Zealand Pty. Ltd. (PAANZ) announce the launch of their Facebook page and website to help assist parents, children and families experiencing Parental Alienation and professionals dealing with the phenomenon of Parental Alienation. Parental Alienation occurs when one parent is unreasonably alienated from … [Read more...]
“Parental Alienation Becomes a Successful Tactic”, Parental Alienation and False Allegations Discussed in The Australian Senate
In March 2014, former Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Senator John Madigan addressed the Senate on the use of intervention and family violence orders based upon false allegations to deny a parent contact with a child, and the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act (FLA) that facilitate this. He contends that the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act … [Read more...]
Is there an Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Family Violence?
It seems to have become almost de rigueur for many of my clients both men and women who claim to be victims of parental alienation to have had some allegation made against them of a sexual or violent nature. A common experience reported by victims of parental alienation (Alienated Parents) is that they are often barred from the former family … [Read more...]
Slaughtering Sacred Family Law Cows: Splitting Alienating Siblings
How are parents put into a terrible position of saving one child over another? That is Parental Alienation at work when one sibling alienates another. An alienated or excluded parent then has to choose whom to save. Several times now clients have presented me with extreme situations where they are tenuously holding onto a relationship with their … [Read more...]
Should Alienating Parents Be Punished?
Should the Australian Family Court consider sanctions against parents who continually flout court orders and compromise their children’s relationship with one of their parents? A Family Court judge in Canada threatens sanctions against an alienating parent, stating that this parent's continued alienation may cause the court to reconsider whether … [Read more...]