I respond to this article on www. singlemum.com.au and on Linkedin in the context of parental alienation as a form of emotional and psychological child abuse and family violence. False allegations of abuse and parental alienation leave our children at risk and degrade the integrity of people and children who make appropriate claims. I regret … [Read more...]
Is there an Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Family Violence?
It seems to have become almost de rigueur for many of my clients both men and women who claim to be victims of parental alienation to have had some allegation made against them of a sexual or violent nature. A common experience reported by victims of parental alienation (Alienated Parents) is that they are often barred from the former family … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation and Extreme Alignment Are NOT THE SAME THING!
Extreme alignment is not parental alienation! Time and time again I see these terms confused with each other in family reports and in discussions with my clients. #FamilyLaw professionals, #consultants and #practitioners can be reluctant to assess Parental Alienation and would rather address the issue through a more benign lens of #alignment. … [Read more...]