(Correction) Alienation made "M" terrified of her son and her alienating ex-partner. Family Violence Services and Family Law could not help "M" remediate her alienated teenage son's relationship with her. His father coerced her son into falsely claiming she violently abused him. He corrupted his relationship with his son to make his son think … [Read more...]
Alienated Parents: Reclaim Your Identity, It’s Not For Sale!
What happens when targeted-alienated parents do not recognise any aspect of themselves in their alienated children? Even if a relationship is possible, it may be a shadow of what it once was. Targeted-alienated parents may need to stop selling their identity as parents to their alienated children and reclaim it as their own. A Distorted and … [Read more...]
The Schlock Horror Alienation Show-National Suicide Prevention Day
We may never really know how many people, parents, alienated children, their extended families die as a result of being subjected to alienation, especially those who die by suicide. In the last few weeks, leading up to National Suicide Prevention Day, I have become aware of several targeted parents whose alienated children have died by suicide … [Read more...]
Oh No! The Non-Festive Season: A Protest By Targeted-Alienated Parents
This is a special message for targeted-alienated parents whose children are not going to see them in this festive season and who have courageously decided that their children need to take responsibility for their choices. For all the hope of reconciliation between targeted-alienated parents and children, there are situations where no … [Read more...]
CLOSING: Research into the Lived Experience of Parental Alienation in a Social Context
Thank you to all those targeted mothers, fathers and caregivers who responded to the anonymous survey and who volunteered to be considered for interviews. Both arms of the research, the quantitative research using anonymous surveys and the qualitative research by semi-structured interviews received a high number of responses. The number of people … [Read more...]
Research into the Lived Experience of Parental Alienation in a Social Context
If you identify as a targeted, rejected or alienated parent, you may be interested in participating in this research. For more information please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Social_Research_PA. Parental alienation has been studied for more than 30 years mainly by psychologists and psychiatrists and its pathologies are well understood. … [Read more...]
Festive Greetings to Adult Alienated Children
From The Parents Whom You Have Rejected Well, another festive season has arrived, another family occasion at which you are not present. This time it is different. We are not setting a place for you at our tables in the hope that by some miracle you might reverse your rejection of us and of your extended families. This time you are not … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation On The Air
“Great interview with Australian PA expert Counsellor & Psychotherapist Stan Korosi this Thursday on our website Dad's On The Air & on iTunes." Stay tuned for my interview about parental alienation on the community radio network “Dad's On The Air”. Check out the 'Scourge of Parental Alienation on Dads On The Air' to hear the interview by … [Read more...]
Does Mediation Encourage and Collude with Parental Alienation and Child Abuse?
Is it possible that the Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) process mandated by the Australian Family Law Act 1975 may inadvertently sanction parental alienation? Are parents at risk of undertaking mediation in a child abusive situation? Sometimes alienated and rejected parents tell me that they caught up in one or more rounds of Family Dispute … [Read more...]
The ‘Irritant Factor’ Approach: Using Seasons Greetings to Undermine the Delusional Relationship between Alienated Children and their Alienating Parent.
So it is the ‘festive season’ for alienated parents and their alienated children. ‘Joy to the world’ indeed. “Do I send a card to my children?” “Should I try and visit them (again)?” “Should I call them?” “Why don't I hear from them?” The absence of alienated children at this time is keenly felt. The same questions come around again. What … [Read more...]