I have just finished delivering a one-day professional development program on parental alienation for professional staff at a social services organisation providing frontline services to parents and children. These services include family law mediation, counselling, family violence consultation andProcontact centre services to which parents and … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation:Evidence Based Reunification Available in Australia
The first Family Bridges programme for Alienated Children and Families (FBAC) has been conducted in Australia under the orders of a Family Court in Australia. For this family, children can now enjoy a loving relationship with the parent from whom they were alienated, for the first time in many years. A team of accredited facilitators is … [Read more...]
Hope for Reconnection and Reunification after Parental Alienation
I have just returned from participating in a symposium on parental alienation: “Parental Alienation: A Critical Problem for Families in Many Countries” presented at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016) in Yokohama, Japan. Six of us representing Japan, U.S.A, Australia and Hong Kong had been working towards this symposium for over a … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation: CONTACT! The Sweet Feeling of Reunification
Nothing lifts my heart more than a telephone call, email or text from a client informing me that they have made contact or received a response from their alienated, rejecting child. This could be after some months or many years and whatever the elapsed time it is the same feeling of relief and joy at reunification and relationship; rejected … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation in Australia, A Year in Review
2014 has seen major developments in the depth and breadth of social, legal and therapeutic engagement with parental alienation. 5 or 6 years ago, I would advise people to take care what they would say to their legal counsel and other practitioners about parental alienation because of the general lack of knowledge and how even mentioning … [Read more...]
The ‘Irritant Factor’ Approach: Using Seasons Greetings to Undermine the Delusional Relationship between Alienated Children and their Alienating Parent.
So it is the ‘festive season’ for alienated parents and their alienated children. ‘Joy to the world’ indeed. “Do I send a card to my children?” “Should I try and visit them (again)?” “Should I call them?” “Why don't I hear from them?” The absence of alienated children at this time is keenly felt. The same questions come around again. What … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation at the APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference 2015
I will be presenting on 'Parental alienation: Responding to deliberate ruptures of children's loving parental relationships' at the Australian psychological Society counselling psychologist conference in February 2015. Early bird registration is about to end! As a counselling psychologist you may also have a forensic or clinical … [Read more...]
Should Alienated Parents Abduct Their Alienated Children?
Would you abduct your own children if you were legally advised to do so? Several clients (alienated or excluded parents) have brought to my attention legal advice they have received to “take their children back” when an alienating parent has contravened orders and taken the children into their care despite orders that the children were spending … [Read more...]