False allegations may be used as a defence against parental alienation in Australian Family law. False allegations may include family violence, child sexual abuse, mental illness, and parental neglect. Targeted parents may need to allow the parents making false allegations to implicate themselves. Targeted parents are in danger from false claims … [Read more...]
False Allegations in Parental Alienation Cases: Misleading Family Law
False allegations of family violence and child sexual abuse potentially mislead family violence protection services and Family Law in cases of parental alienation. They create significant child safety concerns in parental alienation cases. Alienating parents risk losing parental care and responsibility for their children when the forensic … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Symposium Adelaide University 2017
I am thankful to the University of Adelaide, Australia and SAHMRI for hosting the parental alienation symposium in September 2017. In the video, I am presenting to a group of approximately 100 alienated parents, extended family members, legal and affiliated professionals and practitioners who have a stake (personal and professional) in … [Read more...]
Anti Parental Alienation Protestor Kicks Own Goal
I presented on interventions for parental alienation at the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Conference on Saturday 28 February. It seems that my message about parental alienation was too important to ignore because to my pleasant surprise a protestor tried to hijack my presentation! The protestor attempted to hijack the presentation … [Read more...]
Are Mothers and Children being Silenced in the Family Court?
I respond to this article on www. singlemum.com.au and on Linkedin in the context of parental alienation as a form of emotional and psychological child abuse and family violence. False allegations of abuse and parental alienation leave our children at risk and degrade the integrity of people and children who make appropriate claims. I regret … [Read more...]
“Parental Alienation Becomes a Successful Tactic”, Parental Alienation and False Allegations Discussed in The Australian Senate
In March 2014, former Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Senator John Madigan addressed the Senate on the use of intervention and family violence orders based upon false allegations to deny a parent contact with a child, and the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act (FLA) that facilitate this. He contends that the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act … [Read more...]
Is there an Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Family Violence?
It seems to have become almost de rigueur for many of my clients both men and women who claim to be victims of parental alienation to have had some allegation made against them of a sexual or violent nature. A common experience reported by victims of parental alienation (Alienated Parents) is that they are often barred from the former family … [Read more...]