We no longer provide the Building Family Bridges™ Workshop and the adjunct After Care Protocol in Australia. We previously provided these services for Family Law in Australia to remediate child psychological abuse and severely alienated parent-child relationships. The principal reasons are: Adverse Changes to the Australian Family Law Act … [Read more...]
Alienating Father Makes Mother Terrified of her Son
(Correction) Alienation made "M" terrified of her son and her alienating ex-partner. Family Violence Services and Family Law could not help "M" remediate her alienated teenage son's relationship with her. His father coerced her son into falsely claiming she violently abused him. He corrupted his relationship with his son to make his son think … [Read more...]
Family Violence Orders: Should You Really Apply For Them?
In our work with targeted -alienated parents, we have found that alienating parents may allege family violence against them. They may subject them to multiple Family Violence Protection Orders to exclude them from a relationship with their children. Such orders include intervention orders, apprehended violence orders or violence restraining orders. … [Read more...]
Alienated Children: The ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Factor
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall And all the king’s horses and all the Kings men, Couldn't put Humpty together again The constant recurring theme in my work with targeted-alienated parents is what I call the “Humpty Dumpty” factor. How do alienated parents confront the reality that once alienated, … [Read more...]
Festive Greetings to Adult Alienated Children
From The Parents Whom You Have Rejected Well, another festive season has arrived, another family occasion at which you are not present. This time it is different. We are not setting a place for you at our tables in the hope that by some miracle you might reverse your rejection of us and of your extended families. This time you are not … [Read more...]
Alienated Children Ordered Into Juvenile Care: An Australian Perspective
As reported on 8 July, 2015 in Fox 2 News in Detroit, USA and 24 July 2015 in the Huffington Post, a US judge ordered adolescent and teenage children into juvenile ‘care’ for refusing to spend time with their alienated father, despite such contact being ordered by the court. In preceding hearings spanning at least 5 years, the father fought for the … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation On The Air
“Great interview with Australian PA expert Counsellor & Psychotherapist Stan Korosi this Thursday on our website Dad's On The Air & on iTunes." Stay tuned for my interview about parental alienation on the community radio network “Dad's On The Air”. Check out the 'Scourge of Parental Alienation on Dads On The Air' to hear the interview by … [Read more...]
The ‘Irritant Factor’ Approach: Using Seasons Greetings to Undermine the Delusional Relationship between Alienated Children and their Alienating Parent.
So it is the ‘festive season’ for alienated parents and their alienated children. ‘Joy to the world’ indeed. “Do I send a card to my children?” “Should I try and visit them (again)?” “Should I call them?” “Why don't I hear from them?” The absence of alienated children at this time is keenly felt. The same questions come around again. What … [Read more...]
Are Mothers and Children being Silenced in the Family Court?
I respond to this article on www. singlemum.com.au and on Linkedin in the context of parental alienation as a form of emotional and psychological child abuse and family violence. False allegations of abuse and parental alienation leave our children at risk and degrade the integrity of people and children who make appropriate claims. I regret … [Read more...]
“Parental Alienation Becomes a Successful Tactic”, Parental Alienation and False Allegations Discussed in The Australian Senate
In March 2014, former Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Senator John Madigan addressed the Senate on the use of intervention and family violence orders based upon false allegations to deny a parent contact with a child, and the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act (FLA) that facilitate this. He contends that the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act … [Read more...]