Introducing 'The Pinball Machine", a bum-on-seat autobiographical page-turner about the author, Trevor Cooper's international journey into 'the game' to save his daughter from the ravages of child psychological abuse by alienation. SPOILER ALERT: He returns from near-oblivion without her. Check it out at I … [Read more...]
Alienated Children: The ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Factor
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall And all the king’s horses and all the Kings men, Couldn't put Humpty together again The constant recurring theme in my work with targeted-alienated parents is what I call the “Humpty Dumpty” factor. How do alienated parents confront the reality that once alienated, … [Read more...]
Oh No! The Non-Festive Season: A Protest By Targeted-Alienated Parents
This is a special message for targeted-alienated parents whose children are not going to see them in this festive season and who have courageously decided that their children need to take responsibility for their choices. For all the hope of reconciliation between targeted-alienated parents and children, there are situations where no … [Read more...]
Festive Greetings to Adult Alienated Children
From The Parents Whom You Have Rejected Well, another festive season has arrived, another family occasion at which you are not present. This time it is different. We are not setting a place for you at our tables in the hope that by some miracle you might reverse your rejection of us and of your extended families. This time you are not … [Read more...]
Does Mediation Encourage and Collude with Parental Alienation and Child Abuse?
Is it possible that the Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) process mandated by the Australian Family Law Act 1975 may inadvertently sanction parental alienation? Are parents at risk of undertaking mediation in a child abusive situation? Sometimes alienated and rejected parents tell me that they caught up in one or more rounds of Family Dispute … [Read more...]
The ‘Irritant Factor’ Approach: Using Seasons Greetings to Undermine the Delusional Relationship between Alienated Children and their Alienating Parent.
So it is the ‘festive season’ for alienated parents and their alienated children. ‘Joy to the world’ indeed. “Do I send a card to my children?” “Should I try and visit them (again)?” “Should I call them?” “Why don't I hear from them?” The absence of alienated children at this time is keenly felt. The same questions come around again. What … [Read more...]
Is there an Epidemic of False Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse and Family Violence?
It seems to have become almost de rigueur for many of my clients both men and women who claim to be victims of parental alienation to have had some allegation made against them of a sexual or violent nature. A common experience reported by victims of parental alienation (Alienated Parents) is that they are often barred from the former family … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation in the Australian Media!
Child Magazine’s feature article is on Parental Alienation so get your copy of Child Magazine in your capital city or in your state now! Click here to download the article (pdf) Awareness of Parental Alienation is growing in Australia. Parental Alienation is now appearing in the mainstream media and entering … [Read more...]
Should Alienated Parents Abduct Their Alienated Children?
Would you abduct your own children if you were legally advised to do so? Several clients (alienated or excluded parents) have brought to my attention legal advice they have received to “take their children back” when an alienating parent has contravened orders and taken the children into their care despite orders that the children were spending … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation and Extreme Alignment Are NOT THE SAME THING!
Extreme alignment is not parental alienation! Time and time again I see these terms confused with each other in family reports and in discussions with my clients. #FamilyLaw professionals, #consultants and #practitioners can be reluctant to assess Parental Alienation and would rather address the issue through a more benign lens of #alignment. … [Read more...]