If you identify as a targeted, rejected or alienated parent, you may be interested in participating in this research. For more information please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Social_Research_PA. Parental alienation has been studied for more than 30 years mainly by psychologists and psychiatrists and its pathologies are well understood. … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Symposium Adelaide University 2017
I am thankful to the University of Adelaide, Australia and SAHMRI for hosting the parental alienation symposium in September 2017. In the video, I am presenting to a group of approximately 100 alienated parents, extended family members, legal and affiliated professionals and practitioners who have a stake (personal and professional) in … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Symposium-Adelaide, Australia
For those who can, please join me at this free public symposium in Adelaide, Australia hosted by the Freemasons Foundation Centre, Freemasons Hospital, University of Adelaide For more details: Freemasons Foundation Centre. "This symposium aims to take a practical look at the issue of parental alienation and how family law legislation and … [Read more...]
Join The Parental Alienation Study Group
Parental Alienation Study Group Awareness of parental alienation (PA) continues to grow in Australia and New Zealand. Those of you in Australia, New Zealand interested in research, study and advocacy on all aspects of parental alienation (PA) might consider joining the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG). The PASG now has more than 240 … [Read more...]
The Growth of Parental Alienation Advocacy and Support Groups in Australia
When I first started specialising as a practitioner in the field of parental alienation in Australia, some years ago now, there was, as far as I could tell, no one else involved in providing dedicated support, intervention, education and advocacy in this field. I, and others like me had nowhere to go for support. Indeed, there was no franchise … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation On The Air
“Great interview with Australian PA expert Counsellor & Psychotherapist Stan Korosi this Thursday on our website Dad's On The Air & on iTunes." Stay tuned for my interview about parental alienation on the community radio network “Dad's On The Air”. Check out the 'Scourge of Parental Alienation on Dads On The Air' to hear the interview by … [Read more...]
Anti Parental Alienation Protestor Kicks Own Goal
I presented on interventions for parental alienation at the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Conference on Saturday 28 February. It seems that my message about parental alienation was too important to ignore because to my pleasant surprise a protestor tried to hijack my presentation! The protestor attempted to hijack the presentation … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation in Australia, A Year in Review
2014 has seen major developments in the depth and breadth of social, legal and therapeutic engagement with parental alienation. 5 or 6 years ago, I would advise people to take care what they would say to their legal counsel and other practitioners about parental alienation because of the general lack of knowledge and how even mentioning … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Australia and New Zealand (PAANZ) Launches Website
Parental Alienation Australia and New Zealand Pty. Ltd. (PAANZ) announce the launch of their Facebook page and website to help assist parents, children and families experiencing Parental Alienation and professionals dealing with the phenomenon of Parental Alienation. Parental Alienation occurs when one parent is unreasonably alienated from … [Read more...]
“Parental Alienation Becomes a Successful Tactic”, Parental Alienation and False Allegations Discussed in The Australian Senate
In March 2014, former Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Senator John Madigan addressed the Senate on the use of intervention and family violence orders based upon false allegations to deny a parent contact with a child, and the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act (FLA) that facilitate this. He contends that the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act … [Read more...]