For those who can, please join me at this free public symposium in Adelaide, Australia hosted by the Freemasons Foundation Centre, Freemasons Hospital, University of Adelaide For more details: Freemasons Foundation Centre. "This symposium aims to take a practical look at the issue of parental alienation and how family law legislation and … [Read more...]
Hope for Reconnection and Reunification after Parental Alienation
I have just returned from participating in a symposium on parental alienation: “Parental Alienation: A Critical Problem for Families in Many Countries” presented at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016) in Yokohama, Japan. Six of us representing Japan, U.S.A, Australia and Hong Kong had been working towards this symposium for over a … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation: What is Wrong with Your Family Assessment?
Time and time again, rejected/alienated parents come to see me after an adverse or at best an ambivalent family assessment conducted by family consultants (custody evaluators). These parents are frustrated hurt and angry and indeed frightened for their children because it seems to them that family consultants make inadequate (or no) recommendations … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation in Australia, A Year in Review
2014 has seen major developments in the depth and breadth of social, legal and therapeutic engagement with parental alienation. 5 or 6 years ago, I would advise people to take care what they would say to their legal counsel and other practitioners about parental alienation because of the general lack of knowledge and how even mentioning … [Read more...]
“Parental Alienation Becomes a Successful Tactic”, Parental Alienation and False Allegations Discussed in The Australian Senate
In March 2014, former Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Senator John Madigan addressed the Senate on the use of intervention and family violence orders based upon false allegations to deny a parent contact with a child, and the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act (FLA) that facilitate this. He contends that the 2012 changes to the Family Law Act … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation in the Australian Media!
Child Magazine’s feature article is on Parental Alienation so get your copy of Child Magazine in your capital city or in your state now! Click here to download the article (pdf) Awareness of Parental Alienation is growing in Australia. Parental Alienation is now appearing in the mainstream media and entering … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation – Faster Than The Speed of Love
You must act immediately that you suspect your children's relationship with you has changed, and especially if your relationship with your partner changes. You must always assume that the children feel profoundly any change within your family. There is literally no time to lose. Why? Because alienated parents are shocked just how fast the … [Read more...]
Should Alienating Parents Be Punished?
Should the Australian Family Court consider sanctions against parents who continually flout court orders and compromise their children’s relationship with one of their parents? A Family Court judge in Canada threatens sanctions against an alienating parent, stating that this parent's continued alienation may cause the court to reconsider whether … [Read more...]