We no longer provide the Building Family Bridges™ Workshop and the adjunct After Care Protocol in Australia. We previously provided these services for Family Law in Australia to remediate child psychological abuse and severely alienated parent-child relationships. The principal reasons are: Adverse Changes to the Australian Family Law Act … [Read more...]
Family Law
Below is a list of blog posts on the topic of 'Family Law'.
Parental Alienation: What Doesn’t Family Law and Family Violence Know?
"We Know What You Don't Know" Family Law and Family Violence: Outdated, Misled Family Law and family violence commentary in Australia relies on outdated and misleading concepts. Considering parental alienation as a form of coercive-controlling family violence and child psychological maltreatment requiring specific assessment and … [Read more...]
Family Law Amendment Bill 2023: An Anti-Family and Anti-Child Law
Australia proposes a Family Law that has nothing to do with families or the law and will not protect children or parents regardless of gender. The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 is an anti-family, anti-child proposal. It does not reflect social and community expectations about the role of family relationships in protecting and nurturing … [Read more...]
How Family Law Perpetuates in Alienation Abuse
Representing a parent's view about what is in their children's best interests is not about perpetuating alienation abuse. Alienating parents' behaviour may contradict their claims. Alienating parents may make you think they focus on their children's best interests. Yet, they may lead you to collaborate with parental alienation as a form of child … [Read more...]
Family Violence Orders: Should You Really Apply For Them?
In our work with targeted -alienated parents, we have found that alienating parents may allege family violence against them. They may subject them to multiple Family Violence Protection Orders to exclude them from a relationship with their children. Such orders include intervention orders, apprehended violence orders or violence restraining orders. … [Read more...]
‘The Pinball Machine’: How The ‘House’ Wins The Alienation Game
Introducing 'The Pinball Machine", a bum-on-seat autobiographical page-turner about the author, Trevor Cooper's international journey into 'the game' to save his daughter from the ravages of child psychological abuse by alienation. SPOILER ALERT: He returns from near-oblivion without her. Check it out at https://www.trevorcooperauthor.com I … [Read more...]
CRASH! Parental Alienation, Family Violence and Family Law
I was invited to present on parental alienation and family law at a local chapter of the Family Law Pathway’s Network (FLPN). You may see this presentation below: Family law professionals, ranging from legal counsel, Independent Children's Lawyers (ICL) and family consultants struggle with parental alienation as a form of family violence … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Professional Development
I have just finished delivering a one-day professional development program on parental alienation for professional staff at a social services organisation providing frontline services to parents and children. These services include family law mediation, counselling, family violence consultation andProcontact centre services to which parents and … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation:Evidence Based Reunification Available in Australia
The first Family Bridges programme for Alienated Children and Families (FBAC) has been conducted in Australia under the orders of a Family Court in Australia. For this family, children can now enjoy a loving relationship with the parent from whom they were alienated, for the first time in many years. A team of accredited facilitators is … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Symposium-Adelaide, Australia
For those who can, please join me at this free public symposium in Adelaide, Australia hosted by the Freemasons Foundation Centre, Freemasons Hospital, University of Adelaide For more details: Freemasons Foundation Centre. "This symposium aims to take a practical look at the issue of parental alienation and how family law legislation and … [Read more...]