The first Family Bridges programme for Alienated Children and Families (FBAC) has been conducted in Australia under the orders of a Family Court in Australia. For this family, children can now enjoy a loving relationship with the parent from whom they were alienated, for the first time in many years. A team of accredited facilitators is … [Read more...]
Hope for Reconnection and Reunification after Parental Alienation
I have just returned from participating in a symposium on parental alienation: “Parental Alienation: A Critical Problem for Families in Many Countries” presented at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016) in Yokohama, Japan. Six of us representing Japan, U.S.A, Australia and Hong Kong had been working towards this symposium for over a … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation: What is Wrong with Your Family Assessment?
Time and time again, rejected/alienated parents come to see me after an adverse or at best an ambivalent family assessment conducted by family consultants (custody evaluators). These parents are frustrated hurt and angry and indeed frightened for their children because it seems to them that family consultants make inadequate (or no) recommendations … [Read more...]
Alienated Children Ordered Into Juvenile Care: An Australian Perspective
As reported on 8 July, 2015 in Fox 2 News in Detroit, USA and 24 July 2015 in the Huffington Post, a US judge ordered adolescent and teenage children into juvenile ‘care’ for refusing to spend time with their alienated father, despite such contact being ordered by the court. In preceding hearings spanning at least 5 years, the father fought for the … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation at the APS College of Counselling Psychologists Conference 2015
I will be presenting on 'Parental alienation: Responding to deliberate ruptures of children's loving parental relationships' at the Australian psychological Society counselling psychologist conference in February 2015. Early bird registration is about to end! As a counselling psychologist you may also have a forensic or clinical … [Read more...]
Slaughtering Sacred Family Law Cows: Splitting Alienating Siblings
How are parents put into a terrible position of saving one child over another? That is Parental Alienation at work when one sibling alienates another. An alienated or excluded parent then has to choose whom to save. Several times now clients have presented me with extreme situations where they are tenuously holding onto a relationship with their … [Read more...]
Should Alienating Parents Be Punished?
Should the Australian Family Court consider sanctions against parents who continually flout court orders and compromise their children’s relationship with one of their parents? A Family Court judge in Canada threatens sanctions against an alienating parent, stating that this parent's continued alienation may cause the court to reconsider whether … [Read more...]