Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall And all the king’s horses and all the Kings men, Couldn't put Humpty together again The constant recurring theme in my work with targeted-alienated parents is what I call the “Humpty Dumpty” factor. How do alienated parents confront the reality that once alienated, … [Read more...]
Alienated Children
Below is a list of blog posts on the topic of 'Alienated Children'. You may also be interested to read the following articles: For Alienated Children and How Parental Alienation affects Children.
Oh No! The Non-Festive Season: A Protest By Targeted-Alienated Parents
This is a special message for targeted-alienated parents whose children are not going to see them in this festive season and who have courageously decided that their children need to take responsibility for their choices. For all the hope of reconciliation between targeted-alienated parents and children, there are situations where no … [Read more...]
Festive Greetings to Adult Alienated Children
From The Parents Whom You Have Rejected Well, another festive season has arrived, another family occasion at which you are not present. This time it is different. We are not setting a place for you at our tables in the hope that by some miracle you might reverse your rejection of us and of your extended families. This time you are not … [Read more...]
Alienated Children Ordered Into Juvenile Care: An Australian Perspective
As reported on 8 July, 2015 in Fox 2 News in Detroit, USA and 24 July 2015 in the Huffington Post, a US judge ordered adolescent and teenage children into juvenile ‘care’ for refusing to spend time with their alienated father, despite such contact being ordered by the court. In preceding hearings spanning at least 5 years, the father fought for the … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation – Faster Than The Speed of Love
You must act immediately that you suspect your children's relationship with you has changed, and especially if your relationship with your partner changes. You must always assume that the children feel profoundly any change within your family. There is literally no time to lose. Why? Because alienated parents are shocked just how fast the … [Read more...]
Should I Tell My Alienated Children about Parental Alienation?
Many of the alienated parents I work with ask me this question; “if only my children knew what was being done to them they would realise that they love me and that I love them, should I tell them about Parental Alienation?” However, it is not that straightforward. Telling your children about Parental Alienation and what the Alienating Parent is … [Read more...]