The first Family Bridges programme for Alienated Children and Families (FBAC) has been conducted in Australia under the orders of a Family Court in Australia. For this family, children can now enjoy a loving relationship with the parent from whom they were alienated, for the first time in many years. A team of accredited facilitators is … [Read more...]
Should Alienating Parents Be Punished?
Should the Australian Family Court consider sanctions against parents who continually flout court orders and compromise their children’s relationship with one of their parents? A Family Court judge in Canada threatens sanctions against an alienating parent, stating that this parent's continued alienation may cause the court to reconsider whether … [Read more...]
The Alienation Killer, Shared Care
Conventional thinking suggests that levels of shared care need to be reduced in the face of high conflict post separation parenting to favour a single residential parent. This is based upon a premise that children are more sensitive to high conflict between their parents that forces them to choose between them than they are to the loss of a … [Read more...]