What happens when targeted-alienated parents do not recognise any aspect of themselves in their alienated children? Even if a relationship is possible, it may be a shadow of what it once was. Targeted-alienated parents may need to stop selling their identity as parents to their alienated children and reclaim it as their own. A Distorted and … [Read more...]
Alienation and COVID-19: Business as ‘Unusual’
You are all aware by now that an unusual state of affairs exists around the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared CORONAVIRIS (COVID-19) a pandemic and a number of countries are taking increasingly rigorous measures to limit its spread. Interdependence not Self-Interest-We all Have to Do What it Takes Here in Australia, … [Read more...]
The Schlock Horror Alienation Show-National Suicide Prevention Day
We may never really know how many people, parents, alienated children, their extended families die as a result of being subjected to alienation, especially those who die by suicide. In the last few weeks, leading up to National Suicide Prevention Day, I have become aware of several targeted parents whose alienated children have died by suicide … [Read more...]
‘The Pinball Machine’: How The ‘House’ Wins The Alienation Game
Introducing 'The Pinball Machine", a bum-on-seat autobiographical page-turner about the author, Trevor Cooper's international journey into 'the game' to save his daughter from the ravages of child psychological abuse by alienation. SPOILER ALERT: He returns from near-oblivion without her. Check it out at https://www.trevorcooperauthor.com I … [Read more...]
CRASH! Parental Alienation, Family Violence and Family Law
I was invited to present on parental alienation and family law at a local chapter of the Family Law Pathway’s Network (FLPN). You may see this presentation below: Family law professionals, ranging from legal counsel, Independent Children's Lawyers (ICL) and family consultants struggle with parental alienation as a form of family violence … [Read more...]
Alienated Children: The ‘Humpty Dumpty’ Factor
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall And all the king’s horses and all the Kings men, Couldn't put Humpty together again The constant recurring theme in my work with targeted-alienated parents is what I call the “Humpty Dumpty” factor. How do alienated parents confront the reality that once alienated, … [Read more...]
Oh No! The Non-Festive Season: A Protest By Targeted-Alienated Parents
This is a special message for targeted-alienated parents whose children are not going to see them in this festive season and who have courageously decided that their children need to take responsibility for their choices. For all the hope of reconciliation between targeted-alienated parents and children, there are situations where no … [Read more...]
CLOSING: Research into the Lived Experience of Parental Alienation in a Social Context
Thank you to all those targeted mothers, fathers and caregivers who responded to the anonymous survey and who volunteered to be considered for interviews. Both arms of the research, the quantitative research using anonymous surveys and the qualitative research by semi-structured interviews received a high number of responses. The number of people … [Read more...]
Progress on Research into The Lived Experience of Parental Alienation in a Social Context
A big thank you to all the targeted/alienated parents, grandparents and caregivers who have responded to the call for research participants in research into the lived experience of parental alienation in a social context. The call for participants is still open, for more information please go to this … [Read more...]
Research into the Lived Experience of Parental Alienation in a Social Context
If you identify as a targeted, rejected or alienated parent, you may be interested in participating in this research. For more information please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Social_Research_PA. Parental alienation has been studied for more than 30 years mainly by psychologists and psychiatrists and its pathologies are well understood. … [Read more...]
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