Reform Family Law For 2025! Ignoring the Costs at YOUR Expense! According to USA population projections1, 1.3% of Australians may be parents who have been moderately or severely alienated from their children. In 2024, that equates to more than 350,000 parents and possibly 700,000 children2. UK research3 and USA projections suggest … [Read more...]
Proxy Murder: How Parental Alienating Behaviours Lead to Suicide
What Happens to Mothers and Fathers whose Relationships with their Children Are Disrupted? They Die From Suicide. A recent study in the U.K. found a direct link between parental alienating behaviours, and suicidality in parents exposed to those behaviours (Hine,B., Harman, J., Led-Elder, S., Bates, E., 2024). Parental alienating behaviours … [Read more...]