Thank you to all those targeted mothers, fathers and caregivers who responded to the anonymous survey and who volunteered to be considered for interviews. Both arms of the research, the quantitative research using anonymous surveys and the qualitative research by semi-structured interviews received a high number of responses. The number of people who volunteered to be considered for interviews exceeded the minimum number and so selections will need to made according to the criteria explained in the Research Project Information Sheet (RPIS).
Therefore it is time to close the data gathering phase of the research and from 5 PM AEST on Sunday, 2 December 2018, no further responses or volunteers can be accepted. From this point on, the data analysis phase begins in order to inform the interview process of the areas of social experience where questions are best focused. This is expected to take some time
I realise now why researchers sometimes do not sleep well, wondering if anyone is going to pay attention to a research project about which they imagine they are the only one who is passionate. Well, I am pleased to say that this has not been the case for me thanks to the large number of research participants who were motivated to step out and declare the importance of research into parental alienation.
With your help, we hope this research will shape social discussions about parental alienation and attitudes towards targeted parents and caregivers in particular and ultimately make a difference to how parental alienation is seen as a social problem as well as a pathology.
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Hi Stan. It seems I may have missed this research. ( so many Alienation related things on FB etc… these days.) You and I originally spoke about three or four years ago in the earlier parts of my hellish legal journey. Since then ( and after losing most of my money, home, and employment due to FC +stress from alienator) I have engaged with American as well as Australian victims of this, attempting to lend my voice towards awareness and change where I can. If I can still be of any assistance let me know. Regards, Annie Rossini.