I will be presenting on ‘Parental alienation: Responding to deliberate ruptures of children’s loving parental relationships’ at the Australian psychological Society counselling psychologist conference in February 2015.
Early bird registration is about to end!
As a counselling psychologist you may also have a forensic or clinical orientation and you may also be a family consultant, conducting family assessments under the aegis of the Australian family Law act. You may also be very frustrated and disillusioned because you see exactly how children are hurt by parents who rupture relationships between their children and their other parent but feel powerless to act.
More and more family consultants are not just aware of parental alienation but actively seek appropriate interventions and approaches that may address this intractable issue in parent-child ruptures. Family consultants tell me that they want to be in a position where they can credibly inform parents and the legal system to whom they turn about suitable options to prevent this form of child abuse by restoring loving relationship between parents and children that are so often ruptured.
Practitioners of all orientations will eventually meet an alienated adult child struggling with emotional and attachment injuries secondary to alienation processes to which they have subjected. If you are such a practitioner, you may also meet a traumatised alienated parent or grandparent who is disenfranchised, cynical, depressed and suffering any number of post-traumatic manifestations.
What cannot be prevented will eventually have to be dealt with somehow.
So if you are frustrated, disillusioned about how to respond to parental alienation and want to make a difference would you consider attending the conference?
At least have a look at the program at https://groups.psychology.org.au/ccoun/conference2015/.
joanna simpson says
Stan says
Thank you for your support!
You obviously feel very strongly about this. Can you share something of your experience?
Natasha Falconbridge says
Thank you! I am desperately seeking help, advice or anything and you sir are the first name I find. I will never give up on my precious daughter! Kind regards, Natasha.