Be aware! Parental alienation is a social pandemic. Thank you to Parents Beyond Breakup, for supporting Parental Alienation Awareness Day in Australia and New Zealand. We and Parents Beyond Breakup, support parents in maintaining relationships with their children through separation and divorce. Check out the interview at
Be Aware How Parental Alienation Spreads Like a Social Pandemic
Parental alienation is a social pandemic! It spreads through us in our everyday social interactions. Just as we are increasingly aware of the impacts of family violence, child psychological abuse, poverty, inequity, injustice so too we need to be aware that alienation is a harmful social process hidden in plain sight. Alienation is amongst us, we propagate it between us in our everyday relationships. It cannot happen without us.
When you “ghost” someone on social media, if you cancel someone from your life or you participate in the cancel culture think about what you are actually doing. Ask yourself could I engage that person differently rather than simply cut them adrift?
Five Key Strategies For Targeted-Alienated Parents:
- Be aware, learn about what is happening in your family. We cannot fix what we do not know is broken and we cannot address what we do not know is happening. The alienation process acts through the devaluing and conditional narratives children learn from their alienating parents. When words are weapons you need to learn how to disarm them.
- Build your coaching team. Alienation is too big for any one parent. No sportsperson has every won their olympic event without a coach!
- Be strategic. Learn how to parent in an alienating environment. Learn about de-alienating narratives. Your chldren are hostages to their alienating parent’s conditional love. Whatever you do, do not shoot the hostage! Every shot you fire goes through your children first!
- Collect your evidence. Document and record what family members say and do and the way they do it. Alienation is all about the narratives that devalue you and induce your children to cancel your identity and that is your evidence..
- Reclaim your parental identity. Secretly your alienated children want you to be the parent their alienating parent coerce them to reject. You are the solutiuon, not the problem! Your parenting role changes now, you are taking a stand as a parent, you are a resistance fighter overturning attempts at deleting your identity. You are not disempowered, you have narrative power.
The buck stops with you and me!
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Great article Stan! Good to see you still at forefront of this vital cause.
25 years of parent alienation then grandparent alienation
In Court, I proved Ex’s failure to intend to keep both parents in the children’s lives, but the young Ass. Judge listened to teens and believed them! Supervised vistiation! Family Therapy WITHOUT participation of Ex!!! Bought the transcript ex’s perjury and won my parental rights, and her inclusion in therapy with a Mediated Settlement, but now they reject the therapy and refuse to reply. Also, Warschak runs $14,000 three day cohabitations for children and their targeted parent, booked a year in advance. Not helpful. At least Australia recognizes PA, USA doesn’t, and Texas, well… PA is KIDNAPPING, which my Ex tried. Mexico ignores the Hague convention against it.
Another analysis of PA from a bonding perspective claims anything interfering with parent-child relationship unnatural, circumventing basic mammalian instincts. Sorry for the desperation, but I believe this Covid lockdown will produce a pandemic of PA.